Hello! I specialize in designing world-wide getaways for busy people like yourself. Whether it's a long-weekend escape, your yearly family vacation, or that long-anticipated European tour, I can take the hassle and stress out of your vacation planning. We all play a lot of different roles in our daily lives: Wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, business-woman, maid, chef, chauffeur. And we've got it all figured out, right? But we each have a tiny little secret... ...we all long for those little moments when (Sigh.)
Reinvigorate your zest for life on a vacation tailored specifically for you! Discover the world. Rediscover yourself. |
WHAT'S NEW @ BTWtravelJANUARY 2017BTW Travel ecaped the MN winter and visited Costa Rica for 5 days to get first-hand experience at this gorgeous country. Look for a new pre-set itinerary coming soon! AUGUST 2015The Happy Wives' Travel Club changes its name to By the Way Travel, LLC with a new focus on custom vacation itineraries.